
Wednesday, 17 December 2014


Hey Guys, and welcome to my update. It's going to be just a short one but it's an important blog to record. Here we are again with the second big milestone of Max's life. I blogged a couple of weeks ago when he started to sit unaided but now he's crawling! I must admit, he's not crawling with ease but he is definitely moving forward. It's funny I say forward because over the past few days he has only managed to push himself backwards.

Someone once said to me that if you experience a few rough days with him crying etc, it means that he is ready to unleash a huge milestone in his life. To be honest I think it makes sense as we have always been relating it to teething, but as there is still no teeth, he has learnt a lot.

He is so close to saying his first words as well....he says "hello, dadda and mama" but I'm sure he doesn't understand what he is actually saying, but he definitely has these words down to a tee.

Anyway, we are off to Prague again today and I will update my blog with today's events. We are shopping for excited!

I hope you enjoy the video.

Bye Guys

Tuesday, 16 December 2014


Hey Guys, and again welcome to my blog update. So here we are again on another Sunday and it just seems that time is flying by extremely quickly. Max is almost seven months and I have been living in Czech now for almost five months! It has been a hectic five months but I wouldn't change it for anything. It really does feel like "years" since I attempted putting up IKEA furniture on our first month here.

Well, we are now finally starting to settle properly and I'm starting to experience living the Czech way, which leads us to today's blog update. 

Today we started the same as usual with Max waking up 6 am and he now does this "cute thing" where he screams his head off until you pick him up from his cot....very cute indeed (you definitely do not get any lye ins with this little munchkin). So, at 8 am I made my way to play 5 a-side football as per usual, which we won 8-5 (*cough* *cough*) and after we went on our way.

After twenty minutes of walking we made it to our destination....if it weren't for Mia the dog, we would have made it in fifteen....she really has to sniff EVERYTHING! Normally we would have walked to the forest but we had a slight scare of rain and decided to set up camp a little closer. To be honest I wasn't bothered, as long as I had my sausage I was happy....haha.

We (Jitka's dad) lit the fire, drank some beer and rum with tea and all gathered round the fire to enjoy our feast. It is a tradition that a lot Czech villagers do and I really do enjoy everything about it. I mean what's not to like? Sitting round a fire, eating meat and drinking beer with no noise or persons in's pretty amazing.

This time Max was finally awake for an outing and seemed to enjoy what he could understand. The only problem with him being awake was that he kept knocking his hat over his eyes and tended to screech a little. But apart from that he was as good as gold.

After around one hour we made our way home and here I am now, blogging about our day with you all. I hope you guys enjoyed reading this and enjoy the photos. See you next time.

Bye guys.